How does sleep coaching work?
I position myself as your ally. I follow your progress week to week and that makes all the difference.
I work online and in person. Here is what to expect:
If my approach resonates with you, I invite you to book a free intro call with me.
We have 30 minutes together. That allows me to understand your current situation and walk you through my approach.
Together we decide if I am the right person for you.
There is no one size fits all remedy when it comes to stabilising your sleep long term. This is where I make a difference.
I design a program that is aligned with your constraints as well as your physiological and psychological profile.
I recommend 6 to 8 1-1 sessions over 3 months.
Sessions are:
75 minutes long
Over Zoom
All you need is a good internet connection and some privacy. I help you set up your space to maximise your comfort during our sessions.
You are not on your own between our sessions. I give you access to pdfs, audios and videos of practices I share with you.
It’s all in one place. You keep access to this for life!
I am available between our sessions for any questions or challenges that come up for you.
You may reach me on weekdays.
Experience has taught me that this is how long it takes for the body and mind to respond to a new therapy, form new habits and sustain that transformation long term.
My clients are parents, care givers, leaders…Declutter, taking control of your time and creating space for new habits is part of the work we do together.
As overwhelm and anxiety begin to melt away, you approach your days feeling rested, calm and grounded. You are able to get more done in a day than you are now. So of course you will find the time.
I have worked online with clients across the world for 5 years. I have mastered the tricks to make my online sessions effective.
Good news is that you don’t have to live in Paris to work with me.
In addition, we could organise for some sessions to happen in my office in Paris.
While there is no unique answer to this, here is the pattern I have observed:
It takes a couple of weeks to ease into the work we do.
Week 2-4 is when you see the first results.
Week 6-8 is when you gain confidence in your ability to rest and to manage your energy levels. This is when you commit to a more mindful lifestyle.